Interact is an international organisation of service and social clubs for young people of secondary school age that fosters leadership and responsible citizenship and promotes international understanding and peace. Combining the words “international” and “action” created the name. Interact clubs are sponsored by Rotary clubs. Rotary clubs provide guidance and inspiration, but the Interact clubs are self-governing and self-supporting.
RYPEN - Rotary Youth Program of ENrichment
Residential Weekend Seminar
A weekend where 14 to 16 year olds have an opportunity to discover through ideas, problem solving, team and group activities, experiences that will assist them in forming their own values and moral standards, and to broaden their cultural, social and academic horizons.
MUNA - Model United National Assembly
United Nations Assembly simulation for Secondary School Students
Two senior secondary students represent a UN Nation in debates on matters of world political concern. The teams wear the national dress of the countries they are representing and respond to the questions as those countries would respond. For students, MUNA offers the opportunity to get to know another country intimately and then to learn debating and meeting skills throughout the weekend.
The Tasmanian MUNA is held in Deloraine over the third weekend in May each year, with a supervised dance night on the Saturday
evening. The best performing team is then sponsored to represent Rotary District 9830 in Canberra.
The venue for the national finals of MUNA is usually the Senate chambers of Old Parliament House. The team members are hosted for
afternoon tea at the Governor General's Residence at Yaralumna. At the formal dinner on Saturday evening Embassy Officials are invited to sit with the respective teams.
NYSF - National Youth Science Forum
The NYSF helps students moving into Year 12, who wish to follow careers in science, engineering and technology by introducing
them to research and researchers, by encouraging the achievement of excellence in all their undertakings, and by helping to develop their communication and interpersonal skills. It also fosters discussion of, and interest in major national and global issues and emphasises the importance of maintaining continuing active interests in sport, arts and music.
Find out more ...
Youth Exchange - International Student Exchange Program
Outbound - An opportunity for students completing secondary schooling to travel to other parts of the world to study for up to
one year in an entirely different environment. The impact on future international relations is incalculable, however, the impact on the lives of
those students fortunate to participate is most evident. Those young people are the potential leaders in their future community, playing a vital role in the shaping of tomorrow's world.
Inbound - An opportunity for students from other parts of the world to study for up to one year in our District. The impact on future international relations is incalculable, however, the impact on the lives of those students fortunate to participate is most evident.
RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
Residential Week-Long Seminar
The purpose of RYLA is to recognise the leadership potential of young people and to enhance their skills by providing an opportunity for personal, professional and community development. RYLA is a leadership training program for young adults aged 19 to 25 years, conducted annually. Attendees are sponsored by their local Rotary Club.
Rotaract Clubs are service clubs for young adults 18 to 30 years, the aim of which is to develop leadership skills and responsible citizenship through service to the community.
Ambassadorial Scholar
Ambassadorial Scholarships is the oldest program of the Rotary Foundation. Established in 1947 when the first 18 “Rotary Fellowships” were awarded the Scholarships Program now awards approximately 1,200 scholarships annually for students to serve as ambassadors of goodwill in another country
GSE Team - Group Study Exchange Team
The GSE program offers the opportunity for a team of six non-Rotarian business or professional men and women and a Rotarian Team Leader to visit another country to study social, economic, business and cultural conditions, and to observe their own professions in action, while staying in the homes of Rotarians. The GSE program depends for its success on the willingness of all clubs in the receiving District to host, entertain and provide a program for the few days that the team will be in their area.
Interact is an international organisation of service and social clubs for young people of secondary school age that fosters leadership and responsible citizenship and promotes international understanding and peace. Combining the words “international” and “action” created the name. Interact clubs are sponsored by Rotary clubs. Rotary clubs provide guidance and inspiration, but the Interact clubs are self-governing and self-supporting.
RYPEN - Rotary Youth Program of ENrichment
Residential Weekend Seminar
A weekend where 14 to 16 year olds have an opportunity to discover through ideas, problem solving, team and group activities, experiences that will assist them in forming their own values and moral standards, and to broaden their cultural, social and academic horizons.
MUNA - Model United National Assembly
United Nations Assembly simulation for Secondary School Students
Two senior secondary students represent a UN Nation in debates on matters of world political concern. The teams wear the national dress of the countries they are representing and respond to the questions as those countries would respond. For students, MUNA offers the opportunity to get to know another country intimately and then to learn debating and meeting skills throughout the weekend.
The Tasmanian MUNA is held in Deloraine over the third weekend in May each year, with a supervised dance night on the Saturday
evening. The best performing team is then sponsored to represent Rotary District 9830 in Canberra.
The venue for the national finals of MUNA is usually the Senate chambers of Old Parliament House. The team members are hosted for
afternoon tea at the Governor General's Residence at Yaralumna. At the formal dinner on Saturday evening Embassy Officials are invited to sit with the respective teams.
NYSF - National Youth Science Forum
The NYSF helps students moving into Year 12, who wish to follow careers in science, engineering and technology by introducing
them to research and researchers, by encouraging the achievement of excellence in all their undertakings, and by helping to develop their communication and interpersonal skills. It also fosters discussion of, and interest in major national and global issues and emphasises the importance of maintaining continuing active interests in sport, arts and music.
Find out more ...
Youth Exchange - International Student Exchange Program
Outbound - An opportunity for students completing secondary schooling to travel to other parts of the world to study for up to
one year in an entirely different environment. The impact on future international relations is incalculable, however, the impact on the lives of
those students fortunate to participate is most evident. Those young people are the potential leaders in their future community, playing a vital role in the shaping of tomorrow's world.
Inbound - An opportunity for students from other parts of the world to study for up to one year in our District. The impact on future international relations is incalculable, however, the impact on the lives of those students fortunate to participate is most evident.
RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
Residential Week-Long Seminar
The purpose of RYLA is to recognise the leadership potential of young people and to enhance their skills by providing an opportunity for personal, professional and community development. RYLA is a leadership training program for young adults aged 19 to 25 years, conducted annually. Attendees are sponsored by their local Rotary Club.
Rotaract Clubs are service clubs for young adults 18 to 30 years, the aim of which is to develop leadership skills and responsible citizenship through service to the community.
Ambassadorial Scholar
Ambassadorial Scholarships is the oldest program of the Rotary Foundation. Established in 1947 when the first 18 “Rotary Fellowships” were awarded the Scholarships Program now awards approximately 1,200 scholarships annually for students to serve as ambassadors of goodwill in another country
GSE Team - Group Study Exchange Team
The GSE program offers the opportunity for a team of six non-Rotarian business or professional men and women and a Rotarian Team Leader to visit another country to study social, economic, business and cultural conditions, and to observe their own professions in action, while staying in the homes of Rotarians. The GSE program depends for its success on the willingness of all clubs in the receiving District to host, entertain and provide a program for the few days that the team will be in their area.