Last week at Tamar Sunrise, we had a casual breakfast meeting at Titanium. The main topic of the conversation was International Women's Day Breakfast. The event is to be held on Friday 6th March 2015.
A small committee has been established led by Susan Nolan. Other members include Janice, Caro, Jane, Toni, Judy, Leigh and Danny. Venues are currently being sourced. We will have a panel discussion like last year and gift bags and raffle and lucky door prizes. Our wonderful friends StLukesHealth have already supported us with some goodies for the gift bags for the event. We are again grateful to Rodney and StLukesHealth for the support. Laurel House has been the suggested for the organisation for us to support this year. Laurel House is a community based organisation that provides therapeutic services and support for women, men and children who are victim/survivors of sexual assault. Janice has more information on the service for those who would like this. We are to confirm the charity for our Breakfast this week. The next meeting for the Committee is this Thursday morning 7am at Cube Launceston Aquatic. ALL are welcome to attend and lend a hand for the event. POP-UP meeting A BIG THANK YOU also to Leigh Hart who opened up her home on Wednesday evening for our club 'pop up' BBQ. It was a lovely evening and enjoyed by all who attended.
AuthorRotary Club of Tamar Sunrise Categories
July 2019