We are extremely pleased that Ilya has been selected for the GSE team to Denmark later this year. Selection was particularly difficult as there were so many high calibre candidates and the announcement was delayed until the day after the selection process. We have been informed that Ilya was an outsanding candidate and thoroughly deserved his selection. We hope to get to know Ilya a bit better over the next few months.
GSE this year will be travelling to Denmark, arriving on the 2 September and departing on the 7 October. Denmark is of particular vocational interest to Ilya who is an architect here in Launceston. The team leader is Alan Harris of RC Central Launceston. The club has a strong association with GSE, 3 of our members are former GSE team members: Danny Gibson, Kirsty Dunphey and Melissa Carlton
This week we have a casual meeting in the Cafe.
Chair: Melissa Sergeant: Jayne See you all there! ******** For a look at what's coming up over the next few weeks please check out the website:http://www.tamarsunrise.com.au/current-program.html Don't forget to order your Entertainment Book - pre-orders will be closing soon.
Today we welcomed Penny Terry (Marshall) to Tamar Sunrise.
Penny is the statewide Afternoons Presenter on ABC. Just like a lot of rural or regional Australians, Penny was born listening to ABC radio. Growing up on a farm in the Fingal Valley, Penny's not scared of a cold frosty morning, is comfortable yelling at machinery and can throw a fleece (although she won't comment on how it lands). After attending the local primary school, Penny moved to the big smoke of Launceston and spent her school days running round a hockey field, in the art room or trying to win downball at recess. With school done, she ventured across the Strait to the bright lights of Melbourne where she revelled in the university lifestyle, earned some pocket money playing the guitar and singing in pubs and managed to graduate from RMIT University with a degree in Media. Penny began her career in Melbourne working in creative advertising. Before long she'd saved enough for a ticket overseas where she wandered for a couple of years and found a temporary home on a Greek island, but the Tasmanian lifestyle eventually called her home. After doing the rounds of the ABC in Tasmania, where she filed stories for the news room and produced local radio programs, Penny found herself in Tropical North Queensland as a rural reporter. Following a few fights with an air conditioner Penny cut her losses with the tropical weather and moved back to home. After three years presenting the breakfast program for ABC Northern Tasmania, Penny's finally turned off the alarm and swapped the cold frost mornings for a spot on your wireless in the afternoon. Penny's looking forward to being out on the road and discovering the stories of the everyday people who make Tasmania such a wonderful place to live. Penny had her worst haircut in Turkey, likes 90s music a little too much and maintains there's nothing better than fresh flathead for breakfast at the beach. Penny's stories were fabulous and we wish her all the best in her mission to entertain and inform our afternoons, well into the future. Danny Gibson Danny Gibson has taken the reigns of our speaking program and has done a great job of lining up some excellent speakers including:
- 21 March: Penny Marshall (ABC Radio Afternoons Presenter) - 4 April: Shayne Stevenson (Tasmanian Operations Manager, Hawthorn Football Club) - 11 April: Susan Dolbey (everything you wanted to know about Picasa but were afraid to ask) - 18 April: Michael Bailey (Executive Officer, Launceston Chamber of Commerce) Guests are more than welcome to attend! Check out our Current Program Page to see the full list of what's coming up in March and April. For all the latest news about what's happening in our Rotary District:
http://www.rotary9830.org.au/CurrentDGNewsletter.pdf DISTRICT CONFERENCE “IDEAS, INITIATIVE, INNOVATION – DOTTING THE I’s”
May 25 – 27 2012 Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart If you are interested in going to District Conference this year............ An early bird special (saving you $30) closes 30th March. http://www.rotary9830.org.au/events/RotaryConference2012-vers1.6.pdf Newsletter offers latest news Posted on Thursday, 15 March 2012 |
The Learn Grow Newsletter for March 2012 provides information on the latest news and developments with the project. Obtain an update on international forums that Learn Grow and the Food Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group will be attending in April and May. And get a preview of the dynamic breakout session planned for the Rotary International Convention in Bangkok. It's all covered in the March 2012 edition: http://www.learngrow.org/uploads/file/Learn%20Grow%20Newsletter%20March%202012.pdf Don't forget the Info Night (complete with a free sausage sizzle, wine and beer) hosted by the Rotaract Club of Tamar Valley is on Wednesday 14 March at Launceston Aquatic between 6 and 8pm. It'll be an opportunity to get to know the club members and find out what projects and activities the group is supporting and involved in. There will be a free sausage sizzle aswell as wine and beer. Check out the Rotaract Club of Tamar Valley for more information
Please RSVP to [email protected] if you are able to attend and support our Rotaract Club! We are pleased to announce that we'll be selling the new 2012 | 2013 Tasmania Entertainment™ Books as a fundraiser for Rotary Club of Tamar Sunrise.
AuthorRotary Club of Tamar Sunrise Categories
July 2019