We had a great visit from DG Ken Moore and his dynamic sidekick (lovely wife) Lois. Members commented after about how the "Rotary moment" resonated with them. It was also interesting to reflect around the room about retention of members and how we can make sure we keep members engaged.
Ken wrote after them meeting: "I wish to thank the members of the Rotary Club of Tamar Sunrise for the very warm welcome extended to Lois and me on our visit to your club on 1 October 2014. It was good to get to meet many of the members and to start to get acquainted with how your club is operating. In that vein it looks as though your club has encouraging future with the additional members that you have inducted in recent times. That will certainly inject even more energy and life into what we saw as an already vibrant club. As I mentioned at the time, it was particularly heartening to note the average age of the club members. I firmly believe that this should be the target of Rotary as a whole. I noted the statement on your website "making a difference around the corner and around the world" and your actions certainly live up to that. Carols by Candlelight, Books for Babies, Basa School Scholarship Program, the $20 Meal Club and your support of the Rotaract Club of Tamar Valley all serve to exemplify your balanced approach to service within Rotary, to the local community and overseas". Ken then went on to offer assistance to the club and he was immediately volunteered (along with Lois) to assist with Carols! Light up Rotary!!! FINES! As you know our fines sessions over the last month have been devoted to raising money to support the purchase of banners for White Ribbon. This week MUST have been a record with over $70 raised. Well done David and all the people who contributed. We well and truly met our target during September! FINALLY....
Our Club Captain for the month is Sue Dolbey.
This week we have the official club visit by DG Ken Moore. An early morning start for Ken, but we are sure he will make it an informative session for us all. Our two minute speaker will be Susan Nolan who will enlighten us a little about her recent overseas adventures - India - can't wait to hear a tiny insight into a BIG country. Rodney Spinks also enjoys a birthday this week - happy birthday Rodney! Group 4/5 Forum To be held evening of Wednesday 15 October 2014. Cost $28pp Venue Boathouse Speakers include Rick Marton, Matthew Verney and local entertainment. RSVP if you wish to attend by Wednesday 8 October 2014 to [email protected] Member notes: Toni Wagner is on the mend so hopefully we will see her back at the club this week. Finally thanks to Clark Cooley who was our Club Captain for the month of September. Our first effort under a new format and you did a great job - thanks Clark, particuarly as it has been a busy time at Uni for you! Heads up: Bring a friend along for our "friendly breakfast" on 22 October 2014 A BIG THANK YOU to everyone of you all - family, friends and members who helped and supported our Bunnings BBQ at Kings Meadows this weekend.
A tough gig working on the Saturday of the AFL Grand FInal - but we did it. Check out the photos on Facebook! Our fundraising efforts go towards the $20 Meal Club - our feeding program in the Philippines A date claimer:
The One Care "No Limits" District 9830 Conference Burnie Arts and Function Centre 20-22 May 2015. This Week at Tamar Sunrise we have Sarah Courtney MP as our Guest Speaker who will be speaking to us about her life and experiences in Tasmania.
Sarah Courtney achieved a Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering, and Commerce from the University of Sydney before embarking on a career in the finance industry. She has worked as a equities analyst and institutional stockbroker at a number of firms. Sarah currently lives in the Tamar Valley where she established a vineyard after achieving a Master of Wine Technology and Viticulture through the University of Melbourne. Earlier this year Sarah was elected as the state member for Bass. Also this week, we have a "mystery fun activity" by Lou and Melissa - it's bound to involve Tupperware!!! LAST WEEK: We enjoyed a great talk by Robin Thompson PAG who is a member of Scottsdale Rotary Club. He highlighted the challenges of bringing projects together. Members asked quite a number of questions and they are certainly looking forward to going up to the Trail (although some are not sure about jumping on a bike!!). We also endorsed the Club project proposal by Warwick Cuthbertson regarding supporting an upcoming White Ribbon event. We look forward to some great fine sessions over the coming weeks to support the fundraising. The roster for our Bunnings BBQ on the 27th September 2014 is almost finalised. Thanks to all those involved with organising, pre-set up, set up and for cooking the snags on the day!
We are hoping to raise close to $800 for our international projects from the BBQ. Although it is AFL Grand Final Day, we are hopeful that people will turnout earlier in the day. Looking forward to it! H We have a vocational visit scheduled for 29th October as a POP UP vocational visit. The POP UP vocational visit will be in the evening.
Stay tuned for more information. Ok...it is all about being on the trail this week! We started off the week with chasing the tail of Rotaract Club of Tamar Valley (RCTV) at our Laser Tag Challenge...and yes....we are now behind by two in the challenge https://www.facebook.com/RotaractClubofTamarValley. Our strategy did not work, so this means we have twelve months to develop another one...perhaps we should just emulate RCTV members!! Great fun was had by all....well done RCTV!
Members from our club have been on the trail of the white rabbit at the Junction Festival. Many have enjoyed going to events, so well done to all the organisers. This week, to continue on the trail theme...we are visited by PAG Robin Thompson from RC Scottsdale to talk to us about the North-East Rail Trail. The first stage of the trail was developed by RC Scottsdale but is now developing to broaden out to have potential for an iconic rail trail for cycling. Find out what is is all about this week! It will be a full meeting as Warwick Cuthbertson will also be talking about his club project proposal regarding White Ribbon. Bunnings BBQ: We also have our planning for our Bunnings BBQ well underway (thanks Toni) and the roster is almost full. If you can assist in the last shift (2:15-4:30pm) on 27 September 2014 please let Toni know. Reminder: We will also discuss availability for New Year's on Royal roster...an email was sent out late last week. District News: The Rotary Tasmania Convention 20-22 March 2015 has a promotion video. To findout more about the One Care "No Limits" convention, Click here: http://vimeo.com/104985766 The latest DG's newsletter is here: http://www.rotary9830.org.au/CurrentDGNewsletter.pdf International News: There is quite a demand for Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) project support and volunteers. These projects include supporting efforts regarding Ebola, hands on work in Kenya and also Nepal. Click here and follow to the article information: http://www.rotary9830.org.au/ Have a great week. Cheers Caro Brown President 2014-15 This week we will have an altered meeting time and venue as it is our Laser Tag Challenge with Rotaract on 10th September 2014:
In the morning: For those who still wish to meeting in the morning, we will have an informal get-together at Hotel Launceston Titanium Bar commencing 7am. Laser Tag event 6pm for 6:30pm start: The challenge is on with Rotaract Club of Tamar Valley Members will meet at 6pm at the venue (map link below) http://www.zone3tas.com.au/locations/launceston/ Venue is located at Swanston Park light industrial and business precinct located near the junction of Hobblers Bridge Road and Ravenswood Road, and is just off Waverley Road. Games commence 6:30pm. Cost for three games $15pp - pay at the door. Our meeting on This week at Tamar Sunrise we were introduced to our District Governor Elect John Dare. He shared with us his history as an engineer and where he has worked over the years. He is looking forward to his year as DG in 2015-16 and is currently circulating around the Rotary Club's so members can put a face to a name if they have not met John before!
The club also talked about our efforts at the Australian Maritime College Open Day on 31 August 2014. This was a collaborative BBQ with RC Launceston West and Rotaract Club of Tamar Valley. This was a great opportunity for members to circulate with other clubs. The exciting achievement for the day is that Rotaract will hopefully gain a member from the BBQ. Thanks must go to RC Launceston West for their efforts in organising the BBQ for the day. Our members minute by Lou Mason was entertaining as we were informed about the history of the Lamington. We will never look at them the say way Lou!! |
AuthorRotary Club of Tamar Sunrise Categories
July 2019